
Floor surface protection during construction

Team Member Recognition: Congrats Byron & Kieron

Jul 13, 2020

TEAM MEMBER RECOGNITION: Two of our Dallas team members recently celebrated two years with Skudo USA! If you have Skudo protecting your jobsite, you can thank our our top warehouse associate Byron Craddock! Byron works hard every day, in all types of weather (which in Texas is nothing to take lightly…) to get Skudo products…


July 2020 COVID-19 Update

Jul 9, 2020

Texas is now dealing with a surge in cases in recent weeks, which we are closely monitoring. We are taking precautionary measures to ensure that our administrative and warehouse staff remain safe and healthy and will continue to adjust our efforts accordingly. We are also doing our best to continue shipping our products out to our customers’ projects as quickly as possible.


Happy Anniversary Skudo USA!

Jul 7, 2020

We’re celebrating a big milestone this July: It has officially been *10 YEARS* since Brendon Smith (and family) arrived from Australia and opened the first Skudo USA office in the states. Here’s to an amazing decade of innovation, product development, tremendous growth, a cross-country move, and of course, our powerful team working hard all over…

Commercial System Application

Skudo Commercial System: Assessing Suitability for Your Project

Jul 1, 2020

The Skudo Commercial System is a unique protection product, compatible to a broad range of environments/situations. Some criteria must be considered when assessing suitability for your project, specifically your concrete. 


Temporary Flooring for Emergency Healthcare Facilities

Apr 6, 2020

In the blink of an eye, our entire world changed. Like thousands of other businesses, Skudo has had to quickly shift our focus to meet the demands of the new reality that the COVID-19 virus has unexpectedly put upon all of us.

We have been supplying several contractors who are working with FEMA to quickly erect temporary medical/crisis centers in universities, schools, gymnasiums, convention centers, stadiums, and other high-capacity facilities with SkudoBoard.


IMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATE: Texas State Shelter-In-Place Order

Apr 3, 2020

As a direct result of the Shelter-In-Place order issued by Texas Governor Greg Abbott on 3/29/2020, Skudo is deemed an essential service and is open for business in part due to Skudo supplying products to sub-contractors working with FEMA erecting temporary surge facilities across the USA.

United Hangar

Skudo At Work: United Airlines Hangar Project

Apr 2, 2020

Skudo HT Commercial System recently protected 180,000 square feet of concrete at Manhattan Construction’s United Airlines Hangar project at the Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas. The surface of the new maintenance facility was prepared with Euclid Sureflex Light Reflective Hardener and Diamond Clear Cure and Seal.


IMPORTANT: Dallas County Shelter-In-Place Order

Mar 23, 2020

As a direct result of the Shelter in place order issued by Dallas County yesterday, and in the interests of doing our part to help mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 Virus, Skudo will be closing our warehouse operation effective tonight until Monday April 6th, 2020.

Although we do serve the Commercial Construction industry (which has been deemed an essential industry in the order) we feel that the safety of our employees and their families is paramount.


Skudo USA COVID-19 Update: We’re Still Open for Business

Mar 19, 2020

We’ve taken all the necessary steps you’ve seen on the hundreds of other posts and emails from other suppliers to ensure that our employees and customers are safe during this period, with only crucial staff on hand in our facility to ensure that everything gets packed and shipped in a timely manner.


Skudo Safety Meeting with Turner Construction

Mar 5, 2020

We had a great turnout at our safety meeting with Turner Construction Company superintendents. This meeting was held at their Southern California office.